Dual-Credential Degrees


International Dual-Credential Degree Programs provide a unique opportunity to enhance student experience at each of the participating institutions. The development of educational programs with excellent peer universities or institutes in other countries allows students from each partner to gain unique educational exposure and valuable international academic and cultural experiences. The global nature of these International Dual-Credential Degree Programs strengthens students’ careers, provides professional opportunities and enhances the stature of Western wherever such partnerships are established.

Western has always welcomed the best students from anywhere in the world to study here. By awarding a Dual-Credential Degree the partner institutions acknowledge the additional international experience and effort of each student. Additionally and more practically it allows the educational background and core competencies of each student to be clear in each jurisdiction.

Dual Credential Degree Agreement Eligibility and Establishment

A dual credential degree agreement may be established at Western University under the following circumstances:
  • existing collaboration between faculty members at both institutions as evidenced by joint publications, previous co-supervision/exchange of students, co-organization of scholarly conferences, etc.
  • an interest of a currently enrolled PhD student to conduct research abroad at an institution with expertise in his/her research field
  • an interest of a currently enrolled PhD student at a potential partner institution to conduct research at Western

For Western University Students

1.  Receive permission from your thesis supervisor and graduate program to apply for a Dual Credential Degree program of study.
  • Contact your Western thesis supervisor and graduate program to discuss the possibility of becoming a Dual Credential Degree Student
  • Contact the partner institution's Graduate School whether they would support the Dual Credential Degree
  • Find a thesis supervisor at the partner university to agree to Dual Credential Degree thesis supervision
2.  If the Dual Credential Degree program is approved by Western and the Partner Institution:
  • Apply for admission to the program of study at the Partner institution
  • Request your thesis supervisor at Western to contact School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (SGPS) regarding the processes of establishing a Dual Credential Degree Agreement
  • Complete any paper work required by the Partner institution
3.  If the agreement is approved, you will be admitted as a Dual Credential Degree student
  • Together with your thesis supervisors you will need to complete the Appendix to the Dual Credential Degree Agreement.

For Students registered at a Partner Institution

1.  Receive permission from your thesis supervisor and graduate program to apply for a Dual Credential Degree program of study.
  • Contact your thesis supervisor at your current Institution and program to discuss the possibility of becoming a Dual Credential Degree Student
  • Contact Western University’s School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies whether they would support the Dual Credential Degree
  • Find a thesis supervisor at Western University to agree to Dual Credential Degree Supervision
2.  If the Dual Credential Degree program is approved by Western and the Partner institution:
  • Apply for admission to the graduate program of study at Western University
  • Request the thesis supervisor at Western contact SGPS regarding the processes of establishing a Dual Credential Degree Agreement
  • Complete the paper work required by Western University  
3.  If the agreement is approved, you will be admitted as a Dual Credential Degree student.
  • Together with your program supervisors you will need to complete the Appendix to the Dual Credential Degree Agreement.

Tuition and Fees

Students will pay tuition and mandatory fees to each University for the agreed periods during which they are at that institution as set out in the Agreement’s Student Appendix. Students will not be required to pay these fees to one University during the time period(s) when they are conducting their research and study activities at the other University. Financial support for the student is to be established between the supervisors at the two institutions and specified in the Agreement’s Student Appendix.

The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies has dual-credential degree agreements with the following universities. Educational partnership opportunities require the student to be formally accepted/admitted to each of the two universities.Western is committed to excellence in its research and academic programs and it recognizes that its strengths can be enhanced by collaborative relationships with domestic or international partners.

Dual Credential Degree Agreements

What is an International Dual Doctoral Degree Program?

A program of study (within the same area of proficiency and research expertise) offered by Western and one other peer university or institute outside of Canada. Students must register at both institutions and meet the requirements of their respective doctoral programs. Completion of the Dual-Doctoral Degree requirements is confirmed by awarding a separate diploma document by each of the participating institutions, one of which is Western.

What is a International Dual Master’s Degree Program?

A program of study (within the same area of proficiency and research expertise) offered by Western and one other peer university or institute outside of Canada, which allows students to pursue simultaneously a Master’s degree at each institution. Completion of the Dual-Master’s Degree requirements is confirmed by awarding a separate diploma document by each of the participating institutions, one of which is Western.

What is a 3+1+1 Program?

A joint degree program, whereby qualified students spend the first three years of their bachelor degree program at the partner institution and the last (4th) year as Visiting Undergraduate Students through a Letter of Permission at Western and receive a conditional offer of admission to the Master’s program. Upon successful completion of all requirements for both programs students are awarded a Bachelor degree from the partner institution and a Master’s degree from Western. A conditional offer of admission to the Master’s program at Western will be withdrawn if the student is not awarded a Bachelor’s degree from the partner institution upon completion of Year 4 courses at Western. Students enrolled in the Master’s program at Western must successfully complete the courses and degree requirements prescribed by Western.

What is a 2+2 Program?

A joint program established between Soochow University in China and Western. Students admitted to this program will spend two years at Soochow and two years at Western, cumulatively, not necessarily continuous. Western is responsible for the final admission decisions of students to the 2+2 program. They are jointly supervised by professors from each university. Once all program requirements are successfully achieved, students will receive a PhD degree from Western and a certificate from Soochow University.

  1. Australia:  Flinders University, UWO - Institutional Dual Doctoral Degree
  2. Belgium:  Ghent University, UWO - Institutional Dual Doctoral Degree
  3. Brazil:  University of Campinas (UNICAMP), UWO - Institutional Dual Doctoral Degree
  4. Brazil:  Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, UWO - Institutional Dual Doctoral Degree
  5. China Soochow University, UWO Synchrotron Radiation Research 2+2 Agreement - PhD from Western and Certificate from Soochow
  6. China:  Soochow University, UWO - Basic Medical Science 2+2 Agreement - PhD from Western and Certificate from Soochow
  7. China:  Shandong University, UWO - Dept. of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences 3+1+1
  8. China:  Sichuan University, UWO - Dept. of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences  3+1+1
  9. China:  South China University of Technology, UWO - Dept. of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences 3+1+1
  10. China:  Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, UWO - Dept. of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences 3+1+1
  11. China:  Zhejiang University of Technology, UWO - Institutional Dual Doctoral Degree
  12. China:  Tianjin University, UWO - Institutional Dual Doctoral Degree
  13. China:  Tongji University, UWO - Civil Engineering Dual Doctoral Degree
  14. China:  Zhejiang University, UWO - Institutional Dual Doctoral Degree
  15. China:  Nanjing Medical University, UWO - Institutional Dual Doctoral Degree
  16. Italy:  Universita degli Studi di Padova, UWO - Institutional Dual Doctoral Degree
  17. Italy:  The University of Milano - Bicocca, UWO - Faculty of Science     Dual Doctoral Degree
  18. Norway:  Norwegian School of Economics, UWO - Ivey Business School Dual Doctoral Degree
  19. Sweden:  Chalmers' University, UWO - Institutional Dual Doctoral Degree

Co-Tutelle Agreements (with Universities in France)

What is a Co-tutelle (Dual Doctorate) Agreement?

Defined as a program of study (within the same area of proficiency and research expertise) offered by Western and an institution in France. Students must register at both institutions and meet the requirements of their respective doctoral programs. Completion of the Co-tutelle degree requirements is confirmed by awarding a separate diploma document by each of the participating institutions, one of which is Western.

  1. L'Université d'Aix-Marseille
  2. L'Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris III
  3. L'Université de Poitiers
  4. L'Université Lumiere Lyon 2
  5. L'Université Toulouse 1 Capitole
  6. The Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes
  7. Université Cote D'Azur
  8. Universite de Lille I     

To view the original Senate proposal for co-tutelle agreements, please visit http://uwo.ca/univsec/senate/minutes/2010/r1010scapa.pdf.